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Plus size or the right size?

Mission for change....

As the fashion industry becomes more inclusive, the term "plus size" has become more widely used to describe clothing for women who wear sizes above a certain threshold (who actually created that threshold?). However, the label itself has become a subject of controversy, with some arguing that it reinforces body shaming.

Because of labelling like this I thought I am fat almost all my life, imagine, just because someone said, size or body type is not IN.

Did you know? Term "plus size" originated in the 1920s and was initially used to describe clothing for women who wore sizes above a standard size 40. Over time, the term has evolved to encompass a wider range of sizes, typically ranging from size 44 to 56.

 The term was originally intended to provide a clear way to identify clothing for larger sizes, it has also been criticized for its negative connotations. Some argue that it implies that women who wear larger sizes are somehow different from women who wear XS or S, reinforcing the idea that larger bodies are abnormal or undesirable. and even 100 years later we did not make huge step forward.

That is why, we at SassyIndya clothes store, we understand that the term "plus size" can be controversial and potentially alienating and we are trying to change approach and mindsets. We've made it as our mission to offer a wide range of sizes, including "Plus size clothes", Mid size and make sure it becomes right size clothes. We do believe that our customers will find clothing that fits and makes them feel confident and beautiful.

My personal mission is that all women start to wear clothes in colours, because we should not be cocooned in black, grey, just because “we look slimmer“ for someone else.

I look as I feel, and today I feel like lilac is my colour, so why not. I can wear my spring bright colour jacket, which will perfectly showcase my inner feeling and mood.

 At the end, we all love spring because of colours which are blooming, sun which is out most of the time, why not to add this colour in our closet? If we wear colours which makes us and people happy when they see them, probability is that they will feel good when they see me in my yellow flower dress.

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